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What happens at Orientation?

  • Faculty Welcome

    Your Faculty Welcome

    Your Faculty Welcome is an essential activity to kick-start your journey at UTS.

    Connect with academic staff and fellow first-year students in your course, learn about key support services and resources, and get everything you need to know about starting your degree. Hear from current students about their experiences and discover what’s unique about your faculty.

  • Campus Tours

    Campus tours

    Navigate the UTS campus with confidence through guided tours that show you all the must-know locations. You will discover the best shortcuts, identify your faculty building, and be shown some of the great places you can eat on campus.

    Missed out on a tour? Download the Lost on Campus app on the App Store or Google Play to find every tutorial room, lab, lecture theatre and amenity you can think of!

  • Uni Prep Sessions

    Uni prep sessions

    Prepare for success with workshops on study skills, time management, and making the most of university resources. Sessions also cover career support, academic success strategies, financial assistance, enrolment, and timetabling.

  • Social Events

    Social events

    Connect with fellow students, make lasting friendships, and feel at home at UTS through exciting activities like the BUILD Social Mixer, Speedfriending, the Student Learning Hub Mixer, and O’Day, where you can join clubs and societies.

  • Special interest activities

    Special interest activities

    Explore activities that align with your passions, connect with like-minded students, and discover exciting opportunities at UTS through sessions like volunteering with Think Global, exploring faith and spirituality, UTS Startups, and enhancing English conversation skills.

  • Faculty resources and support

    Faculty resources and support

    Discover faculty-specific resources, course details, and where to find help with guided tours and informational sessions designed just for your needs.